Various spots for The Wall Street Journal

Selling Power and Business 2.0 magazine covers

Illustration for Eating Well Magazine on the dangers that lurk
within kitchen sponges. (Apr 2021)
within kitchen sponges. (Apr 2021)

Annual Chicken Broil / Manchester, MI

Bicycling magazine / Foods that Fight Cancer

Fallen Angel Wing Sauce / Skuzzio Design

SmackDaddy Golf
I created a line of golf apparel based on this little dude.
Even did the PGA trade show. Yep.
Even did the PGA trade show. Yep.

Rold Gold Pretzel Boy comic 1995
Jason Alexander didn't like the way I drew him at first. We couldn't draw him with glasses on (Seinfeld trademark) and he thought I made him look like Olive Oyl from Popeye. So he got bigger eyes. Also this is back when I had to use Streamline to trace drawings on paper. Yikes.

A variety of spot illustrations for Bicycling, Family PC, Success, Tampa Bay Life, Computerworld, Mac Addict, and Egghead Software. Smaller illustrations were in high demand. To quote an illustrator I once knew, "I built a house on spots."

Hornets Football team logo
Created on spec for a friend and it wasn't used. Anybody want to buy a football mascot logo?

Sun Splash Water Park billboards / Cape Coral, Florida
The shark was originally pitched to Frito Lay as a new character like Chester Cheetah. It got killed BUT then found new life at a water park. Oh the irony.

Ground Zero
This where it all began. The dog was the first illustration I created in 1988 that represented the style I wanted to go for. I created a promo, mailed it out nationally and nervously waited to see what would happen. As fate would have it, I started getting work almost immediately. The center image was for a Boston Magazine article criticizing Harvard for gobbling up real estate. All these were drawn on Letramax board with a Rotring pen.

In 1990, Aldus Freehand saw my promo and asked me if I worked digitally. I said shhyeahh (lie) and they told me they were getting 8 illustrators from around the world to each do a flower for a big promo. They liked that my line work was so loose and organic. Well it worked. They ended up choosing mine as the featured illustration for envelopes too. Not bad for the first illustration I ever did on a Macintosh.